+34 693 04 20 24     contacto@ihs-drs.com     Vera (Almeria) - España


We create simple solutions that improve your life


Innovative Tradition

We are a startup with 100% Spanish capital, originating in Vera, Almería, dedicated to the innovation of sustainable water solutions.

Our origin, one of the areas with the greatest water stress in Europe, allows us to naturally integrate the knowledge of traditional irrigation techniques with current advances to provide truly efficient solutions that respect the environment.


360º Sustainable Quality

Gestionamos nuestras innovaciones de principio a fin, desde el diseño y la fabricación hasta la comercialización.

Aprovechamos en todo momento lo ya existente, por eso nuestros productos están fabricado con material 100% reciclado y energía 100% sostenible, contribuyendo así a una mejora medioambiental desde el principio y durante todo el proceso.

our land

People & Future

We offer efficient and environmentally friendly solutions, without compromising quality and performance.

We have always clear that our innovations have to be real improvements, that is why we believe in people and create solutions for people and their future.

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